White Cheddar Popcorn

 White Cheddar Popcorn

3 Tablespoons Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

½ cup Organic Yellow Popcorn

3 to 4 Tablespoons unsalted butter

1-2 Tablespoons White Cheddar Cheese Powder 

Pink Himalayan Salt 

  1. In a large pan, heat the oil and add kernels (gently shaking every 30 seconds). 
  2. Once the kernels have popped, remove from the heat. 
  3. Drizzle butter over the popcorn and sprinkle with white cheddar powder (start with about 1 Tablespoon and put the lid on and shake popcorn then add more cheddar powder)
  4. Pour into a large bowl. Add more cheddar powder, if desired, and salt to taste.

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